♡ smol n' cuddly artist ♡

♡ Pawie ◦ She/Her ◦ English ♡

Hello! My name is Pawie and I love drawing cute and bubbly animals ♡
(。• ᵕ •。) My goal is to brighten your day with soft and pastely art. I hope that you are or will take a good care of yourself ^-^ Have a beautiful day!

For important inquiry please contact me by email at [email protected], for shop orders please message me through respective website that you purchased from!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

✦ What program do you use to draw?
Paint Tool SAI ♡
✦ What device do you use to draw?
My old n' trusty Wacom Intuos tablet to draw on my desktop (。• ᵕ •。)♡
✦ Can I use your art?!?
For personal use, yes you may! e.g profile picture, tattoo, personal wallpaper. Please credit me and I would really appreciate it if you ask me first, we artists are people too, not an art machine. (´• ω •`) As long as it doesn't involve in any commercial purposes I'm happy to share my cute bby with you!
✦ Is your commission open? Can you draw for me?
Please check my commission information above by clicking on the icon that says "Commission" ♡
✦ Who is your manufacturer for your pins/keychain products?
I would prefer to not give out my manu's information, sorry! Finding the right manufacturer is a costly and time consuming process, as well as many stress factors to overcome. Asking me or any artists for the manu especially when we are strangers is quite... you know what I mean c:
✦What is the difference between standard and second?
Standard and second are the grading of my pins, for more detailed info please visit the pin grading guideline below

Thank you for stopping by!